Reasons to Sell Your Static Caravan with a Certified Caravan Trader

lady holding a sell sign

It’s definitely time to sell your static caravan, but the deal you’ve been hoping for hasn’t materialised. You’ve advertised online on social media or through auction and sale sites, and you’ve been unlucky enough to encounter a couple of time wasting ‘tyre kickers’ as well as a bunch of messages from people with only a vague interest. You’ve worried whether your static caravan listing is even being seen! Or, perhaps you’ve tried to negotiate a sale to your park owner as you felt that might be the easiest option – but for one reason or another that deal didn’t go through, or the park owner wasn’t interested in the first place.

Whichever route you’ve chosen to travel, don’t worry about it not being successful. There’s a smart and simple way to sell. You could always contact a dealer – and not just any old dealer. Sell to Daly Caravans!

You might have invested quite a bit of your money in customisations and alterations during the course of your ownership, and the ‘book price’ of your static caravan might be lower than you would expect because of this – and that’s even though the caravan feels better. It seems crazy, doesn’t it? The general assumption is that people want to buy something ‘box fresh’ – as basic and blank canvas as the day it was born.

But, here at Daly Caravans we understand the market, we know it inside out, and we have a genuine feel for what people want. We’re balanced and able and fair enough to carefully consider the changes you might have made which have improved the quality of the caravan and the experience for people living in it, and we factor all of that in rather than just focus on that rigid book price. We can definitely pay more than your park!

When you sell to Daly it’s a very simple transaction. Fuss-free and fast. We recognise that people don’t like to get too bogged down in the ‘admin of life’ and so when they’re selling they often just want it done and dusted with the minimum inconvenience. We’re happy to oblige on that front so we’ve made sure it’s a very simple process.

  • Fill in the valuation form
  • Arrange for us to view the caravan
  • Agree the sale and get your cash!

Things to consider when selling

There are, of course, things you should think about when the time comes to sell. These are the things which will affect the valuation of your static caravan:

  • Condition: Making sure that your caravan is in the best condition it can be in is always desirable. It’s such an investment anyway that people are always likely to take pride and keep on top of cleaning and maintenance, and any repairs which need to be done. General wear and tear is always going to be a factor, but you will definitely receive a higher price the better the condition.
  • Additions: Things like added double glazing or central heating will be a factor in the valuation of your static caravan. In some ways these are now expectations that almost all potential buyers have – particularly if the caravan is going to be used for extended periods. It will be someone’s home-from-home – or, indeed, their actual home – so creature comforts are important.
  • Exterior: The look of your caravan from the outside is also important, as it’s the immediate impression everyone who sees it will get, and that sets the tone! Make sure it’s clean and neat, and that any repairs have been completed. Adding things like brand new stairs improves the overall quality, and decking can also improve the valuation as that feature is very popular as more and more people recognise the value of an extra social space, an outdoor area to relax.

There are several reasons why Daly is the best dealership to sell your static caravan to. We’re a leading buyer in the UK, having been through the process over 20,500 times in our 49 years of business. Everything is completely confidential, just between you and us, and our trusted service is completely pressure-free! There are no reductions once we’ve agreed a price, and with safe disconnection and transport – the money is paid directly into your bank account. It’s a professional but friendly experience for you, the seller, and we look forward to talking to you!